Redbor kale is an incredible, multiuse annual for the cool-season flower or vegetable garden. It is perfectly edible and can be eaten raw in salads or cooked like mustard greens.
However, Redbor kale's attractive appearance makes it popular to use in flowerbeds. Use this edible kale for an impressive and prominent display in your cool-season garden. Plant in well-prepared, sunny beds anytime from October through February.
Redbor kale produces striking dark red-purple, finely curled foliage on plants that will eventually grow to be about 30 inches tall by early summer. Plants stay attractive until May, when they should be replaced with summer bedding plants.
Redbor Kale is a vigorous grower with good cold tolerance. It is outstanding in a tall border or as a background planting or anywhere you want to add rich color and interesting texture.
Growing Information:
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture