Ascension 4-H Clover Column - October 2022

Calendar of Events:

2-8National 4-H Week
4- Decorated Pumpkin Contest & Pet Show; 6 pm @ LD Trademart Bldg.
5-16- TSC Paper Clover Campaign
11- Wiggles & Wags Meeting; 6 pm @ 4-H Office (Date Changed!)
17- Jr. Leader Ag Olympics; 6 pm @ Lamar Dixon Barns 7/8
20- Home & Style Meeting; 6pm @
4-H Office
24- Egg Cookery Contest Drop Off
21- Challenge Camp Registration Due
25- Sweet Potato & Pecan Order Due November
Cattle, sheep, goat, & poultry show possession deadline
8-9- Challenge Camp
13- Livestock Family Day
15-16- Sweet Potato & Pecan Fundraiser Pick-Ups
19- Wreath Decorating Workshop
22- LSU Police Outdoor and ATV Day Camps
28- Poultry Cookery Contest Drop Off
29- Broiler Order Deadline
30- Swine Possession Deadline
30- All Livestock Entries Due

Opportunity 4 All!

4-H is the largest youth development organization in the nation. Engaging, enabling, and empowering over 6 million youth every day. Here, in Ascension 4-H, we average 1,500 members annually.

We hope to offer many opportunities to ALL 4-H members in areas like leadership, teamwork, community involvement, service, responsibility, and more! Members will work on their personal development by using their Heads, Hands, and Hearts to “Make the Best, Better!”

4-H is getting kicked off this month! School club leaders are going to be disseminating 4-H information to interested members at school. We will continue to use the NEW 4-H Online Enrollment System! If your school has not already given out 4-H information, contact the 4-H office to find out who is the club leader at your school and if your school has a 4-H program! Read on to find out how to sign up. If your school doesn’t have a school club, you can join 4-H as a Member at Large. Fill out your online enrollment TODAY to begin your 4-H adventure! More information on Ascension 4-H can be found at

Ascension 4-H Website Updates

Visit to check out our website to stay up-to-date! We will continue to post updates, contest rules and information, event registrations, and more on the website as the year progresses!

4-H BINGO Contest!

Enrolled Ascension 4-H members are eligible to participate in the 4-H BINGO contest! The first 10 students to receive BINGO by December 16 will receive a prize. Cards will be handed out at club meetings, can be picked up at our office, or will be available for download in the “contest” section of our website. Full rules can also be found on our website. Good Luck!

Ascension 4-H Online Enrollment

Scan the code or visit to join 4-H TODAY! Through this online system, you can create

a family and/or member profile, register for events, and much more! Your member profile
will help track your 4-H experiences from year to year!
A few notes when registering…

  • If joining through a school: Please select your school club first, then add any project clubs you are planning to join. Regular 4-H Dues will be paid to the school. Project Club fees will be paid through the 4-H office.
  • If joining as a member-at-large: Please, select member at large then select any project clubs you are planning to join. All Members-at-Large and project club fees will be paid to the parish office. Member-at-large club dues can be paid at
  • Your Project Selection in 4-H Online will determine which project book or leaflet is brought to your school or, for members at large, can be picked up at the office. Please only select one (1).

Tractor Supply Paper Clover Campaign

Fall Paper Clover in all Tractor Supply Co stores & online with a purchase from 10/5/2022 - 10/16/2022. You may see some of our 4-H members in the stores assisting. Please don’t forget to donate at checkout! Money raised from paper clover sales goes directly to our program to assist with camp scholarships and programming.

National 4-H Week

National 4-H Week will take place October 2-8.Join in the fun by helping to spread 4-H awareness and encouraging your friends to join! The Theme for Louisiana 4-H is Opportunity 4 All. 4-H provides opportunities for community development, friendships, citizenship, and developing leaders! We challenge each 4-H member to take advantage of the opportunities in their community by participating in 1-2 hours of service during 4-H week. Please share service stories with us- email a brief description and pictures to Check social media for daily trivia, videos, stories, and challenges throughout the week. The daily themes will highlight different opportunities in 4-H:

Monday- Main Project Monday

Tuesday- Travel Tuesday

Wednesday- We Build Leaders Wednesday

Thursday- Thankful Thursday

Friday- Friendship Friday

Saturday- Service Saturday

Cookery Contest- Egg

We are super excited to get our cookery contest kicked off again this year with the Egg Cookery! For each of our monthly contest entries, you will need to submit 2 copies of your recipe and 1-2 servings of your dish in a disposable container. You can earn extra points by submitting pictures of the before (ingredients), during preparation (action shots), and after (finished product) you have completed your dish and a short summary about your experience of cooking the dish. All of these extra components can be emailed to Mrs. Stephanie. The drop off day for your completed dish is on October 24 from 8 am to 5:30pm. From there, your entries will be judged by our volunteers. More detailed guidelines and explanations will be available soon on our website at!

4-H Remind Updates

Stay connected with Ascension 4-H by joining the Ascension 4-H Remind by Texting “@ascp4h” to 81010 or join online at Last year’s participants have been archived, so please be sure to sign up!

Become more involved with a Project Club!

Home & Style Project Club

The Home & Style Club will include cooking and sewing this year! Each month a cooking project will be completed in coordination with the cookery contests. The club is open to all Ascension 4-H’ers, meets monthly and its membership fee is $10.00 to join. This helps to pay for supplies used for project materials. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 20, 6 pm at the 4-H Office.

Click here to register for the Home & Style project club.

Wiggles & Wags Project Club

Wiggles & Wags is a project club that focuses on everything DOG! It helps members learn more about caring for, training, and working with their beloved canines all while doing service and growing in leadership. The Wiggles & Wags project club is open to all Ascension 4-H members and meets monthly. The membership fee is $10.00 to join for the year. The first meeting will be at 6 pm, Tuesday, October 11 in the vendor rooms at Lamar Dixon.

Click here to register for Wiggles & Wags.

Jr. Leader Project Club- 7th - 12th Grades

The Ascension 4-H Jr. Leader Project Club is open to all 7th-12th grade Ascension 4-H members. Jr. Leaders focus on leadership, citizenship, and teamwork. The service-learning theme chosen by the members will be Youth Literacy. The cost to join the Jr. Leader Club is $10.00. The next meeting will be Ag Olympics on Monday, October 17 at 6 pm in barns 7/8 at Lamar Dixon. Dress for mess.

Click here to register for Jr. Leaders.

Livestock News

If you are planning to participate in the LSU AgCenter Livestock Shows and have not contacted the Ascension Parish Office to let them know your intentions of showing, please do so ASAP as important forms and information will be sent out to livestock exhibitors very soon.

Important Livestock Dates:

October 15th- Deadline to contact the office to express intent to show

November 7th- Possession deadline and market/commercial validations due for beef, dairy, sheep, exhibition poultry & goat

November 13th- Livestock Family Day and educational species clinics (Date Changed)

November 15th- Mini Beef possession deadline

November 30th- Possession Deadline and market/commercial validations due for swine

November 30th- Entry Forms and Fees due for rabbits, poultry, sheep, swine, goats, beef, & dairy

State Fashion Camp- “Spice it Up! ...with 4-H Fashion”

All 10-13-year-olds interested in fashion, may want to attend the LA State 4-H Fashion Camp- “Spice it Up!...with 4-H Fashion” to be held January 20-22, 2022 at Camp Grant Walker. This camp is put on by the Louisiana State Fashion Leadership Board members. The Fashion Board chose this theme to reflect their excitement about fashion and the attitude that the campers will adopt as they travel through the experiences at camp. In addition to basic sewing fundamentals, a few of the educational activities for campers include a sewing caddy, tote bag, a reading pillow, a community service project and more. You will return home with completed projects and ideas to host your own fashion workshop! Each parish is allowed to send a maximum of 2 youth and one Ascension adult leader is required. Transportation is not provided. Adult leaders will need to be screened and oriented before attending. Attendees will be selected on a first-come-first-served basis as space for camp is limited. For more information, please contact the office.

The deadline to register will be Wednesday, November 30th.

Become a 4-H Volunteer

Looking for a way to make a difference? Become a 4-H Volunteer! Volunteers are the heart of the Ascension Parish 4-H program. There are many roles and positions that provide important functions to help make 4-H programming successful on the school and parish levels. Individuals can volunteer to serve project leaders, provide transportation to 4-H events, assist with the parish or school 4-H programs, help with event setup/take down, clerical work, contest judges, and more. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please call the 4-H office. As a volunteer, you are supported by the insurance carried by LSU AgCenter for AgCenter events. You can enroll as a volunteer through the 4-H Online system mentioned previously in the newsletter.

Outdoor Skills and ATV Safety Day Camps

In a joint effort of the LSU AgCenter and LSU Police Department, registration is now open for two Day Camp Opportunities being offered in St. Gabriel on November 22. The camps are open to 10-14-year-old 4-H members in Ascension, EBR, and East Feliciana parishes. Members should choose only one camp option. The camp's cost is $10.00. There is very LIMITED CAPACITY, so register in 4-H Online today. For more detailed information, please contact our office. The registration Deadline is November 1.

Option 1: Outdoor Skills Camp comprised of Rifle, Archery & Fishing. 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Option 2: Youth Safety Institute ATV Rider course; Become a more skilled and safe ATV operator; Helmets, goggles, & gloves are provided. Taught by Ascension 4-H Agents Mrs. Stephanie and Mrs. Camille; 8:30 am to 2:00 pm; There are pre-course requirements for participants.

Sweet Potato & Peeled Pecan Halves Pecan Fundraiser

Just in time for the Holidays, we are having our Annual Ascension 4-H Sweet Potato & Bergeron’s Peeled Pecan halves fundraiser. These Louisiana freshly, grown products will be available for preorder now through October 25th. Orders can be placed online or turned into your club leader. The ordered sweet potatoes and pecans will be available for pick up at the 4-H Office on Nov. 15th & 16th. Orders can be picked up between 8:30 am and 5 pm. Orders not picked up after the 16th will be resold! This fundraiser benefits the Ascension 4-H Foundation and provides money for educational programs, awards, workshops, scholarships, and events. If you have any questions or need to make special arrangements for pickups, please call the 4-H Extension Office!

Click here to order online.

Challenge Camp

Are you up for the Challenge of making new friends, working as a team, growing as a leader, and accomplishing a goal? If so, you may enjoy the Southeast Regional Challenge Camp for 7th & 8th Grade members. Challenge Camp will take place at Lion King Retreat Center from November 8-9.Registration is through 4-H Online and the deadline is October 21st.There is a $20 fee that includes a shirt, transportation, meals, and all activities.

Limited spots are available on a first-some-first-serve basis. Priority is given to 7th graders.

Decorated Pumpkin Contest and Pet Show

Come have a spookatacular time at the Ascension 4-H Pet Show & Pumpkin Contest on Tuesday, October 4, 6 pm, Lamar Dixon Trademart Building. To participate in the pet show, pets must be up to date on vaccinations, in a cage, or restrained! The cost is $2.00 to participate in the pet show. Only one pet per 4-Her. There will be a costume contest (for people and pets), tricks for treats, and many other categories for your pets to be judged! You can bring and enter your decorated pumpkins in the following categories for judging: Carved, 4- H Spirit, Character, Prettiest, or Any Other!

We have added a service project to this event to go with the “Today’s Readers, Tomorrow’s Leaders” theme. We will be collecting new/gently used books for all ages and will donate them to youth in need. We will also allow students to “book swap” or “give a book, get a book.” Bring another new or gently used book and you can look through the donated books and take one home.

10/3/2022 3:04:27 PM
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