The black soldier fly can feed on kitchen scraps and industrial waste, and it can also be a source of protein for animals to eat.
Azalea Lace Bugs, Spider Mites, Carpenter Beetles, Honeybees, Shot Hole Borers, Ant Lions, Dragon Flies, Earwigs, and Damsel Flies.
2006 issues. Topics include: Fire Ants, armyworms, Carpenter Bees, Mole crickets, Chafers, White grubs, Mites, Psocids, Hibiscus Midge, and Fungus Gnats.
2008 issues. Topics include: Thrips, Florida Wax Scale, Lace Bugs, Whiteflies, Aphids, Firewood Insects, Asian Lady Beetles, Potted Plants, Case-making Clothes Moth, Bees, and Wasps.
Topics include: strawberry/scarlet-bodied wasp moth, bed bugs, horse-hair worms, spiders, Colaspsis beetles, Colorado potato beetles, and Leaf miners.
Tentative new format for posting Bugs, Bugs, Bugs Newsletter
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture