Prior to submitting an application for the Advanced Louisiana Master Gardener Program, you must pass a multiple-choice test administered by the Louisiana Master Gardener Program. Part of your responsibilities as an Advanced Louisiana Master Gardener volunteer will be explaining pesticide safety and environmental awareness to the public. The information provided in the National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual will provide you with the appropriate background knowledge to do so.
Secure a copy of the National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual. This can be done through the LSU AgCenter Online Store.
Schedule to take the LMG Pesticide Safety Review exam by contacting your local LMG Coordinator. The exam will be proctored by your coordinator or other LSU AgCenter personnel at your Parish LSU AgCenter Office.
Receive a passing score of 70 percent or higher on the exam. Include the date of the exam and your score when completing the Advanced Louisiana Master Gardener application.
Please note: This exam does not entitle you to a Private Pesticide Applicator license. Obtaining a Private Pesticide Applicator license can be done through the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture