FENTON, La. – The LSU AgCenter announced its 2009 Southwest Rice Tour will be held May 26.
The program will start at 9 a.m. with coffee and registration at the Fenton Farmers’ Cooperative at 1311 U.S. Highway 165.
The event will continue at the Jimmy Hoppe Farm near Fenton where participants will view rice research plots and a soybean date-of-planting study.
LSU AgCenter experts will make several presentations:
– Dr. Steve Linscombe, Dr. Brooks Blanche and Dr. Xueyan Sha will discuss new experimental rice lines under development.
– Weed scientist Dr. Eric Webster will talk about weed control.
– Pathologist Dr. Don Groth will provide information on fungicides.
– Agronomist Dr. Dustin Harrell will talk about rice fertilization.
A representative from RiceTec will talk about the company’s variety selection.
The field day will then move to the Mark Pousson farm where LSU AgCenter entomologist Dr. Natalie Hummel will review rice water weevil control.
The event will wrap up at the Welsh Community Center for lunch and an overview of the rice crop by Dr. Johnny Saichuk, LSU AgCenter rice specialist.
Bruce Schultz
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture