News Release Distributed 07/07/10
MANSURA, La. – A dozen honorees will be inducted into the Louisiana 4-H Hall of Fame at a ceremony on Aug. 14 at the Louisiana 4-H Museum in a facility that also houses the Avoyelles Parish LSU AgCenter extension office.
The 12 individuals will have their photographs and biographical information added to the museum’s permanent Hall of Fame exhibit.
This year’s induction will bring the total to 124 members of the 4-H Hall of Fame. In 2008, which was the 100th anniversary of 4-H in Louisiana, 100 people were inducted into the Hall of Fame, representing every parish in the state. Last year, 12 more honorees were recognized. This year’s honorees are:
Dr. Katherine Beier, of Ascension Parish, has helped 4-H’ers for 13 years, founding the 4-H Home Grown Club for home-schooled youth and children in schools without clubs. She coordinated a broad range of programs including commodity cookery contests, ambassador contests, clothing, livestock and quiz bowls. She has served as superintendent of the 4-H Rabbit Shows for 12 years and implemented the parish premier rabbit exhibitor contest. She has also helped parish 4-H members prepare for 4-H University. Each year she donates her time and veterinary skills to test animals and issue health certificates for 4-H livestock projects. In 2008, she was awarded the LSU AgCenter Award of Excellence for volunteer efforts.
Sharon Chatagnier, of Terrebonne Parish, has been an active volunteer at Mulberry Elementary School in Terrebonne Parish for 20 years. Her club members are noted for their fundraising efforts for the Louisiana 4-H Foundation and community service-learning projects such as the annual Veteran’s Day programs held at the Terrebonne Civic Center. Because of her enthusiasm and leadership in the parish, she and her 4-H Club officers are often invited to share their successful programs at leader and officer training meetings.
Anne Chauvin, of Lafayette Parish, has been a 4-H leader for more than 20 years and volunteers about 200 hours annually to the Lafayette Parish 4-H program. She has served as organizational leader, record project leader, curriculum coordinator, advisory committee member and volunteer development task force member. She was instrumental in creating the Lafayette Parish 4-H Foundation and served as a charter member. She is the parish 4-H Foundation bookkeeper and mentors treasurers of the livestock and horse clubs. She volunteers countless hours entering parish 4-H enrollment data and reports and organizes project books for distribution to 4-H members. She also is coordinator of the annual 4-H Dog and Pet Shows.
Jack Dillard, of Caddo Parish, has been involved in 4-H for more than 50 years. He has been an extension agent, a 4-H parent, grandparent and volunteer as well as ambassador of the 4-H program in northwest Louisiana and East Texas. Dillard has been chief auctioneer for the State Fair of Louisiana Ag Council Junior Livestock Sale for 44 years. He has volunteered to help with parish fundraising auctions and to speak at 4-H events. He serves on the Ark-La-Tex Ag Council, which sponsors scholarships for outstanding 4-H members. Dillard has attended the International Livestock Show and National 4-H Congress.
Stanley J. Lamendola, of Ascension Parish, began his career as a 4-H agent in Avoyelles Parish in 1960. He then served as an area 4-H agent, district agent and assistant director for 4-H Youth Development. For two and a half years, he worked in Malaysia and established agricultural and youth programs. Lamendola served as the first president of the Louisiana Association of Extension 4-H Agents.
Alice LeJeune, of Rapides Parish, has served as a 4-H organizational leader for seven years in five elementary school 4-H Clubs. She is coordinator of the Cloverbud program with 10 clubs and 150 members in grades K-3. She coordinates the parish program for clubs to collect soft drink tabs for St. Jude Hospital and Ronald McDonald House in Monroe. Her club members conduct drives to collect personal hygiene products, snacks and magazines for a local hospital. She also coordinates the 4-H educational stations at the local Children’s Museum known as the Tree House. She has been honored with the 4-H Continued Excellence Award and the Distinguished Service Award for volunteers.
Denver T. Loupe, of East Baton Rouge Parish, began his involvement in 4-H as a member in Ascension Parish. He worked for the LSU AgCenter from 1952-93 as a St. James Parish 4-H agent, a sugarcane specialist and a division Leader. He was director of the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service for 15 years. He established the Louisiana 4-H Foundation in 1978 and worked to secure at least two 4-H staff members for each parish. Because of his work with the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, 4-H was declared a co-curricular activity in schools. Under his leadership, major renovations were made at Camp Grant Walker. He served on the National 4-H Council Board of Directors.
Johnny L. May, of DeSoto Parish, was a 4-H member, 4-H parent, leader and fundraiser. He is best known for his work on the DeSoto Parish Chamber of Commerce 4-H Committee, raising the awareness of 4-H among merchants. His advocacy has provided more than $500,000 for the 4-H Livestock Sale at the Louisiana State Fair, enabling many DeSoto Parish 4-H’ers to continue participation in the livestock projects. He was honored by the Ark-La-Tex Council with the annual Buyer’s Award in 2008. May also received the Desoto Chamber of Commerce Emeritus Award.
Mamie McMillion, of St. Charles Parish, has been involved with the St. Charles 4-H program since 1973. She has served as an organizational and project leader, a 4-H advisory committee member, a leadership advisory council member, Junior Leadership club leader and parish 4-H foundation treasurer and board member. She helps prepare 4-H’ers for fashion contests at 4-H University, and 30 have been awarded blue ribbons. She is a charter member of the Louisiana Volunteer Leader Association. McMillion has participated in the Southern Regional Leader Conference in Georgia and presented 10 workshops there. She has supervised 4-H members at summer camp, Challenge Camp, Wild Woods Wanderings, and Junior Leadership conferences and trips. McMillion has received Outstanding Parish 4-H Leader Awards and has been recipient of the state Good Provider Leader Award and the Louisiana Leader Award.
David Saucier, of Bienville Parish, has been involved in 4-H for 38 years as a club member, parent, leader, teacher, school principal, advisory board member and foundation board member. As a principal at Ringgold Elementary, he met with 4-H members to help with their project books. Club members at his school had the highest project completion rate in the parish and were also recipients of awards for outstanding club meetings and community service. Some of his clubs’ significant accomplishments include implementing the first school Veteran’s Day program, which is now conducted in all 10 parish schools, collecting $7,000 in pennies to buy playground equipment, and organizing the parish’s first 4-H school garden. His school received the School of Exemplary Academic Achievement Award for 2006-07. Since retirement, Saucier has served as leader of the Horse Club, Advisory Leadership Council and Bienville Parish 4-H Foundation Board. He has received numerous volunteer awards including Outstanding Louisiana 4-H Leader and a trip to National 4-H Congress.
Albert H. Steinbach (deceased) served the 4-H program for more than 40 years as a volunteer, advocate, fundraiser and philanthropist. Steinbach, a cattle producer, was instrumental in securing approval to build the John M. Parker Agricultural Coliseum on the LSU campus. He helped organize the first LSU rodeo and served as chairman of the first state 4-H advisory committee and as chairman of the 1932 4-H livestock sales committee. In 1968, Steinbach was named a 4-H Good Provider winner, and in 2008, he was inducted into the East Baton Rouge 4-H Hall of Fame.
Otis J. Stelly Sr. (deceased), affectionately known as “Big O,” served as a volunteer leader and 4-H Foundation Board member for 25 years. He played a major role in establishing the first Vermilion Parish 4-H Livestock Show in 1973. He also expanded the 4-H swine project by supplying locally bred pigs to club members. He conducted 4-H clinics and workshops at his farm and gave away pigs as door prizes. Stelly was a leader for the annual 4-H Trail Ride. He also donated his time to providing horse rides for special needs children and served as a youth league baseball coach for more than 30 years.
The museum’s address is 8592 Louisiana Highway 1, Mansura, and the ceremony begins at 10 a.m.