Grazing and nutrition will be highlights of the LSU AgCenter dairy field day Nov. 11 at the Southeast Research Station in Franklinton.
The event will begin at 9 a.m. with registration and exhibits, according to Mike McCormick, coordinator of the Southeast Research Station.
The field tour will begin at 10 a.m. with presentations by LSU AgCenter researchers Vinicius Moreira on protein supplements for lactating dairy cows and Kun-Jun Han on clover interseeded in Bahia Grass.
LSU AgCenter agent Ronnie Bardwell will present preliminary findings on stockpiled Bahia grass in dairy heifers, and McCormick will discuss cell-grazing winter pastures with Holstein and Jersey milk cows.
The indoor portion of the program will feature Charlie Hutchinson, LSU AgCenter dairy specialist, and Karl Harborth, LSU AgCenter beef specialist, who will discuss dietary supplements for pasture-based dairy and beef cattle.
The field day will conclude with a barbecue lunch and equipment displays, annual ryegrass, oat, rye and wheat variety evaluations; reseeding clovers and winter pea evaluations and dairy lagoon floating island research.
For more information on the field day, contact McCormick at 985-839-2322.
Johnny Morgan
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture