(Distributed 07/28/14) AVERY ISLAND, La. – The Marsh Maneuvers 4-H summer camp is in its 25th year of teaching students about the ecology, anthropology, geology and hydrology of coastal Louisiana. For four weeks, 4-H students from different parishes attend a five-day camp at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge to learn about the coastal environment and its precarious future.
(Audio News 07/28/14) Despite a late start to Louisiana’s corn crop, harvest could begin in a couple of weeks. LSU AgCenter corn and cotton specialist Dan Fromme said he is anticipating excellent yields. The state has approximately 450,000 acres of corn – 250,000 fewer acres than last year. (Runtime: 1:20)
(Video: 08/04/14) Zinnias (pronounced Zen-Yuhs) are beautiful flowers for Louisiana landscapes. But some of the typical varieties are prone to disease. On this edition of Get It Growing, horticulturist Dan Gill explains how hybrid zinnias are both disease resistant and beautiful. (Runtime: 1:48)
(Video: 07/28/14) Many people have peppers in their garden, and they’re now producing, but high moisture can lead to disease problems. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how to take care of these pepper problems. (Runtime: 1:53 seconds)
(Audio 07/28/14) Don’t forget about those herbs that were planted at the beginning of the summer. Now is the time to harvest them and either use them in your cooking or freeze them for later use. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/28/14) Gardeners can fill their flower beds with heat-tolerant plants that will last throughout the summer. Listen to learn more about which plants will beat the heat and bring color to their landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/28/14) Crape myrtles make two to three flushes of flowers every summer. This makes them popular in the landscape. For the crape myrtle to produce properly, pruning has to be done. Listen to learn more. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video: 07/23/14) Louisiana's corn and cotton crops have benefited from good weather and few disease or insect problems during their growing season. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has an update. (Runtime: 1:28 seconds)
(Video: 07/23/14) A new grain sorghum variety coupled with a new herbicide will help farmers control grassy weeds in their fields, but an insect could damage this year's sorghum crop. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has this report. (Runtime: 1:26 seconds)
(Video 07/23/14) Tall stalks of sugarcane are a common sight around south Louisiana in midsummer, but this year stalks are shorter than normal. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports that cool weather we enjoy doesn't have much benefit to sugarcane. (Runtime: 1:43 seconds)
(Video: 07/21/14) One of the most popular plants for beautiful, rich pastel colors and full flowers is the hydrangea. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to a new type of hydrangea – one with cone-shaped flowers. (Runtime: 1:52)
(Video: 07/10/14) Louisiana’s rice crop is midway through its growing season, but weather has caused delays. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has an update on the crop and a look at new technology that can improve the way farmers grow rice. (Runtime: 1:30 seconds)
(Video: 07/14/14) The summer heat is difficult on plants, so when you find one that’s tough and beautiful and that can last through the entire summer, you’ve found a real winner. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to a plant with unique foliage, beautiful flowers, and the ability to survive the heat. (Runtime: 1:40)
(Audio: 07/21/14) The mushrooms that grow on you lawns and in your gardens are not to eat. If the mushrooms in your landscape bother you, just gather them up and throw them away. There isn’t much else you can do. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio: 07/21/14) Basil is one of the few plants that you can plant now and have it survive through the summer heat. Go to your local nursery and get a basil transplant to plant in your garden or in a little pot to use in your cooking. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio: 07/21/14) During summer flowers in your flower beds are ready to pick. Go out one evening and bring some into your home and enjoy the color and fragrance of flowers from your garden. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/14/14) Blackberry harvest is over, but in order to have good berries next year, some pruning has to be done. Remove the fruiting vines that produced this year because they will not produce again. Leave the new canes; they will be the ones that produce next year's fruit. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/14/14) Bark lice are common during midsummer. They create a fine, silvery webbing on the trunks of trees. This webbing is not harmful to the tree and is common in Louisiana. The lice are just eating organic bits off of the tree and cleaning them as they go. The webbing is simply a form of protection. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio: 07/07/14) If the plants in your flower beds are heat-tolerant, they should be looking pretty good. Watering, however, requires special attention. They'll need water if they begin to wilt between rains. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio: 07/07/14) Because we plant tomato plants so early to give them time to grow and bloom in our gardens, by late June most have finished producing for the year. If you have tomato plants that are looking brown and not producing anymore, it’s probably time to pull the and plant something else that will grow throughout the rest of the summer. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video: 07/07/14) Begonias are perennial plants that come in dramatically different sizes and shapes. On this edition of Get It Growing, horticulturist Dan Gill explains the ever-expanding selections of begonias and which ones to be wary of in our hot, humid summer climate. (Runtime: 1:45 seconds)