Herbicides, insecticides and fungicides are considered pesticides and are all commonly used in agricultural and landscape operations.
An increase in the number of reported cases of damage caused by Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks has raised concerns about the potential economic impact.
This report addresses several aspects of solar energy leases from a policy perspective.
This report summaries the USDA Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks reports released on March 28, 2024.
2020 Louisiana Summary: Agriculture & Natural Resources
This farm planning tool allows grower to estimate their production margins, ROI, and breakeven analysis subject to their historical records.
On August 29, 2021, Hurricane Ida made landfall in the southeastern Louisiana as a Category 4 hurricane.
Farm to School programs promotes healthy lifestyle choices among students and introduce agricultural lessons.
Farm to School programs promote healthy lifestyle choices among students and introduce agricultural lessons.
The U.S. floriculture industry products include bedding plants, garden plants, flowers and foliage in pots, propagations, cut flowers and cut cultivated greens.
Corn and soybeans continue to take center stage of the agricultural outlook for 2019.
newsletter providing updates on conservation and commodity news
In this issue: Days suitable for fieldwork, Rain and drought, Crop mix and tillage, Corn market wading in water and more.
A monthly update on commodities and conservation aspects relevant to Louisiana farmers
This report summarized selected provisions contained in the Agriculutre Improvement Act of 2018 (the farm bill).
Schedule of upcoming seed cotton events in October.
This presentation was part of extension educational efforts pertaining to the seed cotton program that was held in Oak Grove, LA on August 16, 2018.
This newsletter contains agriculutral policy and market news as of July 15, 2018.
This report provides a program overview and example of the ARC-CO farm program for seed cotton for the 2018 crop year.
Presentations made on program mechanics and decision support tools pretaining to the seed cotton program.
This decision tools allows producer to calculate thier updated seed cotton yield.