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Fire Blight is a bacterial disease caused by Erwinia amylovora.It infects plants in the pome fruit subgroup of the rose family.
Lichens are perennial organisms consisting of a fungus and a green alga or blue-green bacterium.
We had a long dreary wet winter, but spring arrived with nature reemerging as normal.
One of the most care free gardening rewards is planting spring flowering bulbs.
Bagworms are aptly named for the bag the larva make of silk and bits of twigs or leaves interwoven to disguise and strengthen the case.
This article gives a brief description of the Forest Tent Caterpillar including three pictures.
The article describes leaf galls or Exobasidium fungal disease including a picture of infected azalea leaves.
The basic components of composting are location, plant materials, water, soil from your yard and some nitrogen.
Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable in a home garden
Harvested acreage and yield 2019-2023 in Franklin Parish.
Learn to recognize the differences between poison ivy or poison oak and Virginia creeper.
The fungus completes part of its life cycle on the cedar and junipers and part on the mayhaw.
The forest products industry contributes to each parish economy in several ways, including jobs, wages and purchases in the local economies.
The license may be renewed by attending a recertification training meeting offered by the LSU AgCenter.
A brief guide on how and when to grow vegetables for small scale gardeners.
2017 herbicide options for weeds infesting home lawns.
Louisianians take pride in the appearance of their lawns and landscapes. Weeds, however, can detract from that appearance and frustrate homeowners. Information on adaptation, light, soils and mulch can be found in this publication. (PDF Format Only)