"Spread The Rubber Chips" & "Eat 4-Health" Party at the City Park

Sponsored by United Healthcare Eat 4-Health grant, Red River Parish 4-H Clubs and City of Coushatta City Council

4-H sponsored phase I of “Pennies for the Park” as a service learning project during the past school year. The 4-H clubs collected $165 that was used to refurbish and paint the existing playground equipment. To complete Phase 1, on September 20th, we had 21 4-H youth and 12 adult volunteers attend a party in the park to “Spread the rubber chips” purchased with a $3,000 grant provided by United Healthcare, around the playground equipment. They all worked hard for about 1 ½ hours to spread the 8 tons of rubber chips which were purchased at the end of the United Healthcare grant from last year. The event included a kick-off party of this year’s theme “Eat 4-Health” 4-H club focus. There were 3 activity areas that the parents and youth rotated where they learned about eating healthier and being more physically active. Eating Rainbows, Drink Low-Fat Milk and Water instead of Sweetened Drinks, Make Half Your Grains Whole were the lessons covered and enjoyed. The “Blender Bike” used to make healthy smoothies to taste was by far the most popular activity! The United Healthcare representative, Rhonda Windbush, was present and worked hard right along with all of our volunteers.

United Healthcare has again this school year included Red River 4-H in the Eat 4-Health grant. Red River 4-Hers will continue the “Pennies for the Park” as our Community Service Learning project this year. We will combine the monies collected from the 4-H clubs with the United Healthcare grant monies to continue with Phase II of park improvements this year. WE have much to accomplish this year so “Come Be a Part of the Change in Your Park”!

For more information about volunteering at this event please call 4-H Agent Terry Foster at 318-932-4342 or email at tfoster@agcenter.lsu.edu.

2/7/2015 3:08:18 AM
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