Adding Activity to a Regular Day

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Children should be physically active for 60 minutes every day and it is recommended that adults include 150 minutes of physical activity each week.

Here are some suggestions for adding physical activity to a day.

  • Enjoy games with friends or help around the house 2-3 times a week. Hopscotch, play on swings or climbing equipment, fly a kite, help your parents with yard work or gardening.
  • Do aerobic activities 3-5 times a week – long walks, biking, running, swimming.
  • Every day make extra steps in your day. Walk or ride your bike instead of getting a ride, take the stairs instead of the elevator, help take out the garbage.
  • Sit less – Turn off the TV, put away computer games, limit screen time to 2 hours per day
  • Stretch and strengthen muscles 2-3 times a week – curl ups, pushups, stretching.
  • Enjoy sports 3-5 times a week – soccer, softball, other team sports, gymnastics or dance.
  • Make activity a family affair. Take walks together, play volleyball, go hiking at Jean Lafitte National Park & Refuge, go to a park, visit the zoo or aquarium

Eating right and exercising are important for a strong, healthy body. Besides being fun, regular exercise helps you have a healthy heart and healthy blood vessels, strong muscles, healthy lungs, healthy bones. Being active also helps you control weight, sleep better, feel better, learn better and prevents constipation.

Physical activity is so important for children, adolescents, teens, and adults of all ages. You are always young enough to exercise. So, how can we stay more active? The key is to make physical activity a part of your lifestyle. Include eating healthy foods and exercise daily to control weight and prevent chronic diseases. This simple recipe for health will keep you strong, happy and vivacious. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Go play and have fun. Physical activity is fun.


US Department of Health and Human Services:

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Center for Disease Control:

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