Iberville Parish
25250 C.M. Mike Zito Lane
Plaquemine, LA, 80864
West Baton Rouge Parish
210 Turner Drive
Port Allen, LA, 70767
Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health
The ASPIRE Intern will work under the supervision and direction of the Assistant Area Nutrition Agent who doubly serves as the Parish Chair. He or she will also be rewarded with observing a stellar onsite Assistant Area 4-H Agent, who can serve as a secondary mentor, Assistant Area Horticulture Agent, and Administration Coordinator. He or She will be provided with their own office area and follow the mandated guidelines of the FCS Regional Coordinator, 4-H Regional Coordinator, Regional Director, and both 4-H and FCS state office staff. This position will consist of directly shadowing an Assistant Area Nutrition Agent who holds an 80% SNAP-Education and 20% Flavors of Health Appointment. This will come with assisting direct education programming, along with organizing numerous policy, system, and environmental changes amongst the Healthy Communities initiative, in addition to arranging stakeholder and community outreach.
The ability to work with and through others is a priority, along with the ability to work efficiently without persistent supervision. Successful candidates will hold exemplary positive attitudes and strive to ensure equitable opportunities for all amongst the community. Experience in teaching, applying principals of leadership to both youth and adults, and community organizing is desired. The applicant must demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills, as well as a background in community and family nutrition, public health, wellness and/or health, food science, food systems management, or dietetics.
Intern’s daily responsibilities include, but are not limited to, reporting daily in a timely manner to assist the agent in measures attributing to delivering effective extension programming in two parishes. This rewarding experience will grant opportunities to experience various LSU AgCenter programming implemented throughout the summer to both adult and youth audiences, all of which can be rewarded and beneficial to individual coursework and research purposes. Additionally, the White Castle Communal Garden, a major cross-collaboration amongst stakeholders will be tentatively opening, thus granting another mutually rewarding and educational opportunity for those able and interested. We will work with the intern to ensure that his or her prioritized focus area can be a measured tool for success through the work he or she accomplishes.
Claire Theriot Barbier
Email: cbarbier@agcenter.lsu.edu
Office: 225-687-5155
Cell Phone: 985-992-7309