St. Helena Parish Cooperative Extension Advisory Leadership Council Meeting

Agenda and Meeting minutes. LSU AgCenter logo. Research. Extension. Teaching. Southern Agricultural Research and Extension Center logo.

Monday, March 18, 2024


  • Welcome
  • Overview of Overall ALC Purpose and Agenda
  • Parish Extension Program Overview
  • Programmatic Updates
  • ALC Discussion of Parish Issues
  • Issue Prioritization by Program Area (Top 1-3 Issues)
  • Discussion of Potential Partnerships
  • Adjournment


  • Chris Muse –Executive Project Manager, Muse 3 Farm
  • Quanika Muse - Police Juror, District 2
  • Roderick Matthews – OEP Director, Office of Homeland Security
  • Harold Hughes –Owner/Operator Double H Farms
  • Miranda Watson – Director of Human Resources, St. Helena Parish School Board
  • Alberta Franklin – Parent/4-H Volunteer
  • Shirley Freeman – 4-H Volunteer
  • Charity Schaffer – Asst Area Youth Development Agent, Parish Chair

Dr. Schaffer called the meeting to order and thanked everyone in attendance for their commitment. She then began discussing the overall overview of the ALC and agenda. Members were asked to refer to their packets to find programming highlights/updates from each agent in the St. Helena Office of Cooperative Extension (SHOCE) and reviewed them. Updates from each programming area (Agriculture & Natural Resources, NCH and 4-H/Youth Development) were included.

Dr. Schaffer asked if there were any concerns, issues or ideas the SHOCE could help with. Some of the concerns discussed were:

  • Mrs. Quanika Muse suggested reviving the portions class that was taught by a previous NCH Agent at the St. Helena Hospital
  • Mr. Roderick Matthews expressed concern about the lack of use in our industrial park area. He said this space would be a great place to create space for and help foster more collaborative events between the SHOCE and St. Helena Parish and to build facilities that are large enough to accommodate large meetings or workshops.
  • Dr. Schaffer announced that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the SHOCE and the St. Helena Police Jury is set to expire in June and that we will need support from those we serve in order to maintain funding. Members suggested that farmers, students, parents, and volunteers be present to support agents in the Police Jury meeting that will address this issue.
  • Mr. Chris Muse expressed concern for the lack of FFA in our community after the loss of our Agricultural Science teacher at St. Helena College and Career Academy (SHCCA). Dr. Schaffer proposed that in the interim we help to plan events and field trips to keep Ag students’ interest in Ag piqued. Ms. Miranda Watson suggested that we reach out to Mrs. Angela Strickland, principal at SHCCA, to organize collaboration and support them as they are looking to replace the former Ag teacher.

Innovative Ideas/Suggestions:

  • Dr. Schaffer mentioned a conversation she had with some local cattlemen about reviving our St. Helena Parish Livestock Show and finding an arena to host this event.
  • Mr. Chris Muse presented the idea of individual student sponsorship for St. Helena Parish 4-H Livestock members in the 2024-25 season.
  • Mrs. Shirley Freeman facilitates a successful 4-H sewing club, but the location at the 5th Ward Multipurpose Center is too far away for some parish residents. In order to serve all interested in being part of the sewing club, we will create hubs throughout St. Helena Parish with a volunteer in each community where a club is established. We are also planning fundraising and sponsorship ideas for these clubs.
  • Dr. Schaffer asked that each member bring someone from a committee or board on which they serve to the next meeting, to encourage healthy partnerships across the parish. Through this we may be able to develop common initiatives to move us toward forward progression.
  • Mrs. Quanika Muse suggested that we meet monthly to discuss new issues and the progression of our initiatives until we are established enough to meet more infrequently.

Three prioritized issues:

  • SHOCE/ Police Jury MOU
  • Industrial Park and how we can better utilize the grounds.
  • Sewing club sites/funding/4-H membership for all participants.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 pm.

3/20/2024 3:06:46 PM
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