(Video 01/22/24) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard explains that in Louisiana, February is the best time to prune traditional rose bushes.
A beekeeper asked about summer blooming plants for honeybees. This blog lists native plants with summer flowers.
(03/10/23) Azaleas are ubiquitous in Southern gardens — and for good reason.
Diagnosis of plant leaves turning yellow
Home Garden Chemical Weed Control.
Some orchids are highly fragrant with delicious odors, while others have extremely obnoxious odors.
Welcome spring! In the Louisiana landscape, nothing heralds the first official day of the season like the azalea and its grandiose flowers.
Late April to early May is a great time to lift or dig these spring-flowering bulbs from the garden where possible.
The term ground cover is applied to low growing plants other than turfgrass used to cover areas of the landscape.
Winter freezes often damage tropical plants in our landscapes.
Holiday cactuses will reward you with blooms every year for many years if grown correctly.
Managing crape myrtle bark scale
The Hammond Research Station host the Master Gardener Appreciation day, where the Master Gardeners voted on their favorite plants in the trial gardens.
The hydrangea’s reliably charming and large flowers make it one of our beloved summer-flowering shrubs of Southern garden.
(Video 08/07/17) Zinnias are beautiful flowers for Louisiana landscapes. But, some of the typical varieties are prone to disease.
(05/05/17) Summer bedding plants can quickly and economically help create the colorful landscape that so many gardeners crave.
Summer flowering bulbs are generally planted in April and May, although plants growing in pots can be planted through the summer.
In south Louisiana you can plant warm-season bedding plants in late March or early April, and in north Louisiana around April or early May.
Louisiana iris is the name used worldwide for a unique group of native Louisiana iris species and their hybrids.
Louisiana's warm, humid weather encourages the development of several serious diseases that can damage rose bushes. This publication describes the major rose diseases found in Louisiana and offers disease management tips. (PDF Format Only)